Sunday 10 February 2013

Issues around sale of Tokyngton Library to Islamic Cultural Association

The Brent Executive will tomorrow decide whether to sell the closed down Tokyngton Library in Monks Park to the Islamic Cultural Association for an undisclosed sum.

The week before last the Kilburn Times reported that an argument between leader of the Council, Muhammed Butt, and another Labour councillor, had been behind the ill-feeling in the Labour Group which contributed to rumours that Butt's leadership would be challenged. In the event an agreement to show mutual respect was agreed.

Brent Council's Register of Interests shows that Cllr Muhammed Butt has previously declared an interest in the Islamic Cultural Association, which is co-located with Monks Park Masjid at 72-74 Harrow Road. He declared an interest as a Trustee of the Association  on 25.08.2009, removed it on 04.2.10, declared it again on 18.03.2011 and removed it again on 07.06.12.


Anonymous said...

Transparent then?
Much mutual respect will be needed at the next Labour group meeting I feel.

Anonymous said...

His younger brother Saqib Butt I think has replaced him as a trustee.

Anonymous said...

Tokyngton Library, across the River Brent from St Raphaels Estate, was sold off to an Islamic Association in which Muhammed Butt was alleged to have an interest........This is criminal this should be given back to the community how dare they sell it for the use of one community. How was this sale even allowed without consultation with the community.

Give us back our library or make it a community centre or homes for the local people not a religious group. This kind of thing Segregating the community. There is already a Mosque religious centre across the road. How was this allowed to happen? This should be investigated