Thursday 14 February 2013

Willesden Green Planning application descends into chaos

The Keep Willesden Green campaigners have long argued that there is a possibility of 'pre-determination' over the Galliford Try/Linden Homes planning application for Willesden Green: that the Council had already made up its mind and that the Planning Committee would rubber-stamp the Council's deal with Galliford Try.

Their worse fears seemed to have been realised when Brent Council sent out a message overnight saying that the Planning Committee had yesterday approved the two applications - despite the Council having previously announced that the decision had been deferred to a Special Planning Committee on February 21st for 'technical' reasons'.

A call to Democratic Services early this morning elicited the response that the release of this announcement had been a mistake and that the application hadn't been considered last night. The announcement was quickly removed from the website.

Doesn't look the model of efficiency does it - not to mention the number of heart attacks it might have caused at breakfast time in Willesden Green?

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