Wednesday 15 December 2021

Bridge Park v Brent Council ends. Draft Order available in due course.

 I was unable to attend today because I had to impersonate a mythical person in connection with an imminent festival.

Thanks to an attendee who was able to provide this summary.

The hearing commenced at 10:30 with Katherine Holland, QC, for Brent Council summarising her final legal arguments begun yesterday.  Lord Justice Lewinson questioned her on the issues of the the deeds for the land being dated some 6 weeks after the transfer documents dated May 5th 1982,  when the sale was executed.  Neither Katherine Holland,  or her assistant Matthew Smith were able to provide answers to points raised.

There were further discussions on whether the real estate was at Brent’s free disposal, on legalities related to the deeds and to the matter of charitable trust.

Peter Crampin, QC, for Stonebridge Community Trist ended the legal arguments with,

“The question still remains ….a fiduciary obligation…owed to the public in Brent being the beneficiaries of a charitable trust…..something for the community in Brent to achieve…very ambitious political objectives, which the GLC had in mind”.


Lord Justice Lewinson ended the hearing at 11:43.


“Thank you for your interesting submissions…a lot of public interest seen by the attendance of a number of participants following remotely”.

The draft Order will be available in due course.


Anonymous said...

So who won??

Martin Francis said...

I think we have to wait for the Order of the court.