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Katharine Birbalsingh |
Katharine Birbalsingh, pretty well self-appointed head of the Michaela Academy free school, has this week written to primary headteacher asking for their help in recruiting pupils to her new school. She wants Michaela's meetings advertised and letters put in the book bag of Year 5 pupils with information for parents about the school.
As by its very nature the school has no track record, exam results, Ofsted report and hasn't appointed all its staff, parents would be advised to treat shiny brochures and grand words with scepticism.
Tom Stone wrote to local newspapers about his experience of a Michaela meeting but it was not published. Instead I publish it here as a Guest Blog:
I attended the consultation meeting
on Saturday15th June at Brent Town Hall concerning the new
proposed Michaela Free School. This was a very frightening
and scary event,one that left me feeling very cold and
To quote the Headteacher in her address
to those attending, she promised "that the School will teach
lots of stuff". No, suspend your disbelief, this is the new
guiding mantra of the Michaela Community School.Yes, lots of stuff
will be taught! This school will also apply Eton/Public
School type of pressure daily to its pupils,with tests every
week and the results will be published and known to all. Yes, we
know the current prime minister was educated at a public
school and so were a good few of his cabinet, but just
look at how they are running the county ,hardly a good advert
for private education surely! Pupils with confidence and
self esteem issues and pupils with special needs had better
watch out too, your friends will all know your test scores and
use it to bully and harass you - great!
The latest research from Oxford Brookes
University states that students who have been to state schools were
more likely to complete their degrees and that they were also
more likely to get a good degree ,classed as a first or 2:1, than
their privately educated counterparts. Why then was the Headteacher
at this meeting taking so much delight in running down
the UK' s State Education. American type charter Schools -as praised
by the Head, are hardly out of the headlines in the USA-for all
the wrong reasons!
Another fact to point out is this is
not going to be a local Community School, there were people
from Harrow, Haringey and Islington at the meeting. It is not going to be a
cosy little haven of Wembley schoolchildren, this
school will be taking in anyone foolish enough to choose it. A school
with no grounds, a school set up in an office building and a
school that is not needed-it is directly opposite another
Secondary school!
The Headteacher obviously preaches
what she believes too. She told the meeting that "kids
will just listen to teachers". No time for
clarification or discussion ,no time for interaction and working
together.So it then follows that the proposed Headteacher did
not allow questions from the public after she spoke ! There
also was no loud applause after the Headteacher spoke and the meeting was
certainly not full to overflowing ,as claimed by their recent
propaganda leaflet. a strange and odd meeting this was-oh and
just to end with -the teachers in free Schools don't have to be
qualified to teach! What next - doctors who don't have to study
Apparently your letter writer is correct in one aspect at least. Only one imo but....
Tom Stone wrote: "the teachers in free Schools don't have to be qualified to teach! What next - doctors who don't have to study medicine!"
That does not surprise the main blogger for the Kilburn Unemployed blog at all. Tony Blair formally appointed investment banker David Freud as his 'welfare reform guru' despite the latter's ignorance, and in fact Freud reckoned it a great advantage.
There is also this onlike bood review blurb from a book about the investment banker's exploits in the City: "Perhaps David Freud's greatest respray job was the stockmarket flotation of Eurotunnel. Not only did he come up with a clever way to make shares in Eurotunnel plc seem more than a wing-and-a-prayer speculation, he managed to flog the stock at the height of the stockmarket crash of 1987...It was not particularly surprising that John Hutton, the Work and Pension Secretary, should turn to this particular ex-banker when ordered by Tony Blair to come up with something snappy on welfare reform.' -- The Independent "
So after that investment banker declared the majority of Incapacity Benefit claimants 'non-legitimate' in his Telegraph interview, and after David Cameron had elevated such an "immense talent" to HoL as his Welfare Reform Minister, The private firm paid by the Government to claw back disability benefit told an undercover GP they treated people like "claimants, not patients".
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