Thursday 19 July 2012

Gove to go in September? Will Truss take over?

Elizabeth Truss
I've been doing the round of end of terms concerts and graduation ceremonies at local schools and as usual have been impressed by the talent displayed by Brent children, their confidence and sheer zest for life.  Their teachers are by this time, in the helter skelter of report writing, open evenings, sports days, outings and productions are frazzled, just waiting for Friday.  I wish them all a wonderful summer holiday and the weekend change in the weather should raise their spirits,

Something else may also raise their spirits over the holiday if they have kept their eyes in the rumblings from Whitehall.  There are rumours that the cabinet reshuffle in September may see Michael Gove moved to the Home Office to replace Theresa May.

Initially, the tip off that in this public school educated cabinet, his successor may be a working class woman who was educated at a comprehensive school, may raise spirits even more but a closer look at Elizabeth Truss may make them pause for thought. She has lambasted her own comprehensive education and spoken against 'soft' A level subjects and modular assessment, Both her parents were public sector workers, left-wing and CND supporters and many of her teachers at her Leeds comprehensive were left-wing.

She rejected all this to become an admirer of Margaret Thatcher, completing a GCSE project on her downfall entitled 'End of an Era'.  Will it be the end of an era for some of Michael Gove's obsessions or will Truss take up his baton with relish?

Watch this space.

Thanks to the News Statesman for some of this information. See the full profile HERE


Anonymous said...

Will she take a supporting role?!

Martin Francis said...

Ha, ha

Anonymous said...

She'd be somewhat perfect in this coalition government. Former President of Oxford's Lib Dem Society...