The site |
Away from Wembley for a change, Brent Planning Committee on Wednesday
LINK will see a pre-planning application presentation for a significant development in Dudden Hill Lane/High Road Willesden. The site is currently mainly industrial units.
The proposal:
The proposal in its current form seeks to create a mixed use development comprising 224
residential units and amenity space, affordable workspace, café, nursery, florist, supermarket
and gym. The workspace and retail elements of the proposal would be located at ground floor
level with the residential units located on the upper floors. Vehicular access to the site would
be from the eastern side via Dudden Hill Lane. Pedestrian access would also be from this
side of the site and on the western side to create a desire line through the site and improve
connectivity. The proposal would have three main buildings above ground floor level with
heights of nine, seven and five storeys. The residential units would have access to communal
space at first floor level between the taller buildings.
Site and Surroundings
The site has an area of 0.93 hectares and is bounded by the Sapcote Trading Centre to the
north: Colin Road to the south; Dudden Hill Lane to the east: and High Road to the west. The
site is currently occupied by a number of industrial units including a heavy plant hire business,
storage facilities for haulage equipment and scaffolding and a MOT station/Used car sales
garage. There are three retail units located on the southern side of the site adjacent to the
Colin Road/High Road junction. There is also a tyre garage located on Colin Road that does
not form part of the site proposal.
The surrounding area comprises industrial units to the north, an undesignated shopping
parade to the east and south and residential properties to the east, west and south. The site
is also located within a Locally Significant Industrial Site (LSIS). Residential units in the form
of two storey terraced properties are located on the southern boundary of the site on Colin
Road. Residential properties are also found along Dudden Hill Lane and High Road. The
height of the buildings in the area is generally two/three storeys however there are a number
of examples of taller buildings located to the west on the approach to Church End and to the
north-east on Dudden Hill Lane. The site is not located within a conservation area and does
not contain any listed buildings.
The site has a Public Transport Accessibility Level (PTAL) of 5 with Dollis Hill underground
station located approximately 160 metres to the north-east and regular bus services to
Church End, Neasden and Willesden.
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