Sunday 26 March 2017

'Remind me, please, who is our local Council meant to serve?' - Brent Council propaganda on Wembley Stadium condemned

Brent Council's celebratory announcement of the approval of the Wembley Stadium - Tottenham Hotsput planning application to increase the number of full capacity events at Wembley Stadium has drawn stinging criticism.

Cllr John Warren has written to fellow councillors:
Am I the only member appalled at the "celebratory " tone of the Your Brent piece on the Wembley Stadium / Spurs planning approval on the Brent website?

The piece mentions the "extensive consultation process, "but is completely silent on the results of that consultation! Our intelligence is then insulted by a quote from a Brent Council spokesman, who speaks about a " balance being struck." What balance?

It is complete propaganda...and why are we celebrating a decision which offends a very large number of our residents? The phrase "rubbing salt in the wound " springs to mind.

Cllr John Warren
On Friday Philip Grant on a comment on this  blog wrote:

It is sickening that, this morning, Brent Council's website has a banner headline celebrating Spurs being given full capacity use of Wembley Stadium, linked to a Council press release about the Planning Committee decision which does not mention the objections made by local residents and businesses:
Remind me, please, who is our local Council meant to serve?

... and then, to add insult to injury, at 1pm today the Council emailed me "Spurs are on their way to Wembley!", a copy of the latest "Your Brent" digital news-sheet, with the same banner headline celebrating the Planning Committee decision.

But this is a very distorted news report, because it makes no mention of the very valid objections put forward to the committee, by local people and some councillors on behalf of their residents.

It is as if the Council's press release reporting the decision was prepared before the Planning Committee meeting took place, which it probably was!

Philip Grant
This is the Council's statement. complete with an image of celebratory fountains, posted on its website on the evening of March 23rd - the day of the Planning Committee:
Temporary increase to full capacity events at Wembley Stadium approved
23 March 2017

An application from the FA/Wembley National Stadium Ltd to temporarily increase the number of full capacity events at Wembley Stadium has been agreed by Brent Council's Planning Committee this evening (March 23).

The decision, which follows an extensive consultation process, paves the way for 22 additional full capacity events for Tottenham Hotspur Football Club matches, of up to 90,000 fans to take place at the stadium between August 2017 and July 2018.

Under current rules there is no limit on the number of events that can be held at a maximum capacity of 51,000.

It is understood that Tottenham Hotspur are set to make the national stadium their temporary home while their new ground at White Hart Lane is developed.

Wembley had originally requested permission for an additional 31 full capacity events but this was reduced to 22 prior to the application coming to committee. The application has now been approved subject to a number of additional measures being put in place, including ones designed to deal with the impacts of increased numbers of people in the area. These include controlling parking and traffic, signage, street cleaning, event management and control of public safety including aspects such as alcohol sale and street trading. The Committee heard from objectors and the applicant before making their decision.

A Brent Council spokesperson said: "Wembley Stadium is a highly valued part of our borough bringing visitors from around the world. We are pleased that a balance has been struck between recognising the impact on local residents and businesses whilst enabling the Stadium to make good use of its facilities and support a London club to operate in the capital while their ground is being redeveloped."

"We look forward to working closely with the Stadium, the Football Association and Tottenham Hotspur Football Club in the forthcoming year both on the management of events and their work in the local community that they outlined in their application."


Alison Hopkins said...

It was a stitch up from the start.

Unknown said...

Brent councillors lay down prostrate while the two private enterprise juggernauts (FA & Spurs) rolled over them, local businesses and residents.

Anonymous said...

There's no chance there'll regularly be 90,000 fans at the games anyway, it'll be more like 50,000 - 70,000, depending on the game. Manchester United struggle to sell 75,000 on a regular basis, so no chance Spurs get close to 90,000.

Wembley Champions said...

Please see @WembleyChampion on twitter - google @WembleyChampion (you can view contents even without having twitter account)

Anonymous said...

Missing the point....

Unknown said...

I first would like to say I am opposed to the Wembley Stadium being used as a home ground for a Premiership club irrespective of who the team is. I am a fan of Football and one of the reasons I chose to live in Wembley was that it was the home of English Football. However……………
The fact of the matter is the issues that are of concern to residents i.e Rubbish, Anti-social behaviour, Parking, Transport, Logistics have always existed long before the new stadium, and have not changed in the 30 years I have resided in Wembley.
The fact is that Brent Council have been derelict in their duty of care to residents, they are being paid by WNSL, the FA, Concert Promoters, to address these issues of concern and to mitigate the effects on residents and they choose not to spend the money where it is designated to be spent.

Brent Council are wholly responsible for not carrying out the works required under S106 when the new stadium was built.

Brent Council have failed miserably in ensuring by-laws are enforced with regard to anti-social behaviour i.e street drinking, litter, urinating in public, along with inadequate parking enforcement and traffic violations.

I might remind residents that should we reside in a Royal Borough i.e Kensington and Chelsea or Richmond where the home of Rugby is situated, there are no issues as they have ZERO TOLERANCE, by the Council, Police etc.

We are unable to dictate to Wembley Stadium or the FA on how to conduct their business in making money , but we are empowered to make our Council adhere to the by-laws and actively enforce them, having received the money to do this.

The whole planning process of variating conditions was a farce, conducted by amateurs pretending to do the right thing, and just blowing smoke us the residents a***s whilst in full knowledge that the deal had been done and there was never any question that it would be deferred or denied.

What we need now is ACTION, stick to what you have promised we have 12 events in the next two months of which only 1 is Rugby and 1 Boxing. Show the residents you can deliver on what was agreed prior to promises made to the residents before THFC come home to Wembley.

Anonymous said...

Brent Council has not been the first to lay prostrate before the capital that Spurs football club represents. Tottenham resident Revd Paul Nicolson who founded Taxpayers Against Poverty blogged in October 2014: Spurs bosses don't want corporate customers walking through council estate Haringey council plan demolition of estate

Alan Wheatley

bigbreadeaterellis said...

I agree Alison.
It always is a stitch up when Brent council is

bigbreadeaterellis said...

One of my concerns is about the large amount of litter which is generated each time there is an event day at wembley stadium.
Wembley hill road resembles one big dustbins once the visitors have left.
I have bought this to the attention of Brent council
but as I expected, I received the standard reply telling me they were sorry to know that I feel unhappy living in a part of wembley which is regularly used as a dumping ground for sports and music fans,
but there's not much we can do to stop it.
You bet I felt frustrated.
But I have become accustomed to feeling frustrated having lived in Brent all my life noticed negative cycles and when I bought it to the attention of the council I get a defeatist reply.

Yogi Pandya said...

In addition to the litter etc., it is difficult to hold family and friends religious social functions as we are limited to 1 or 2 cars. If we ask for waivers, this is now limited to very few activities and usually declined. I believe we have to purchase passes so more costs for a social life. Use of Facetime/Skype? Might as well watch TV, use a Playstation eh!