Monday 16 April 2018

Brent Green Party launches its Manifesto for the Council Elections

Some of the eighteen Green Party candidates standing for election in Brent
Brent Green Party launched its comprehensive manifesto for the Council elections at the weekend. Candidates are standing on a platform of challenging the 'One Party' Brent Council pledging to hold the Council to account for its decisions, ensuring that its policies and decisions are robustly scrutinised, extending democracy so that all councillors have a share in decision making and putting forward imaginative and radical new ideas to improve the quality of life and life chances of Brent residents.

You can read more about Green candidiates for Brent Council HERE

The full Manifesto is available here and can be downloaded (page symbol menu bottom left):


Anonymous said...

Having read your manifesto, I am sorry that there are no Green Party candidates standing in my Ward!

Martin Francis said...

Sorry that we can't stand everywhere - our resources are limited. Why don't you consider joining us and organising in your ward?