Tuesday 13 October 2015

Brent Coucil and TfL must take action on dangerous Wembley Asda junction

Watch this video carefully and you will see a woman with a push chair trying to cross Forty Lane at the junction with the Asda slip road and King's Drive, Wembley Park.

The volume of traffic means that vehicles bestride the pedestrian crossing  and move across it, even when the green 'man' indicates pedestrians should cross.  The traffic lights are positioned on the south side of the junction and there is is no further indicator for vehicles on the pedestrian crossing itself.

I witnessed both adults and children dodging between the moving traffic this morning beyween 8.50 and 9am as they go to school or retrun from dropping children off.

I have tweeted the video to Transport for London and Brent Council calling for urgent action. More traffic build up at peak times has been forecast by Transport for London as a result of the road works at Neasden.

There is bound to be an accident at this spot sooner or later.

1 comment:

LondonMzFitz said...

I sent a letter on 1 October 2015 regarding this very problem to the Safer Schools Partnership c/o Wembley Police Station, cc to Inspector Peter Weaver of Barnhill Safer Neighbourhood Team. I attached copies of the emails between myself and Sandor Fazekas of Brent Council which date from 15 February 2015. In the letter I write - "Just yesterday (referring to Wednesday 30 September 2015 at 08.10) I was on an 83 bus travelling from my home to Wembley Park Station and with the weight of traffic the bus I was on blocked the pedestrian green man crossing at Asda, with children trying to find their way around vehicles to get to the traffic island. On Tuesday (referring to Tuesday 29 September 2015), again on the bus, I witnessed four cars in a row drive down Kings Drive (with the main entrance to the Lycee) and continue straight across (5 lanes of traffic) into Asda’s and do a U-turn onto Forty Lane against the left turn only signs. This is a shortcut to avoid The Paddocks queue, drivers looking for quick short cuts and it happens on a daily basis".

I haven't received a reply from either the Safer Schools Partnership or Inspector Peter Weaver. I telephoned the Barnhill Safer Neighbourhood Team yesterday evening and left a message, I've had a response to that telephone call this morning from the PCSO Tippawan Kavanagh and I've left a message with her.

As Marting Francis says, there is bound to be an accident at this spot sooner or later, and I believe it will involve schoolchildren.