Wednesday 11 October 2017

Eggcellent chance to sponsor a chicken for Sufra Foodbank

Sufra NW London are launching an appeal for chicken sponsors having built new accommodation at St. Raphael's Edible Garden after local foxes  killed their previous flock.

This is their message:

Today we launch our Sponsor a Chicken Appeal! We're looking for 20 egg-lovers to donate £99 towards the purchase and up-keep of a chicken for one year.

For £99 we will give you:

1) The chance to name your chicken (Theresa May has been taken, but Boris Johnson is still up for grabs).

2) A framed photograph of your chicken to display on your mantle-piece.

3) An invitation to an omelette breakfast prepared by Dina using eggs supplied by your chicken especially for the occasion.

4) A private tour of St. Raphael's Edible Garden led by Sami.

5) ...and the opportunity to provide over 300 eggs each year to food bank guests who are reliant on Sufra NW London for emergency food aid.

To sponsor a chicken, please email Sami and the Youth Committee at

The Sponsor a Chicken Appeal is open to all - individuals, local companies and even groups of friends. If you can't afford £99 you can raise it through sponsorship by taking part in the...

Brent Interfaith Walk

We’d like to invite you to take part in the Brent Interfaith Walk on Sunday 29 October 2017. The event is an opportunity to show solidarity between faith communities and acknowledge the vital contributions that people of faith and no faith make to maintaining our service – all whilst walking off that extra slice of cake you shouldn’t have eaten the night before.

The route will commence at Sufra NW London and pass by different places of worship and religious significance in Brent, with a necessary toilet break at the Ace Café.

Whilst you’re welcome to just trod along with us, we also request that you collect sponsorship for the charity. If you raise £99 we will refund your registration fee. You can register here.

(The registration fee covers our costs, including a free t-shirt and an end of walk vegetarian buffet on St. Raphael’s Edible Garden.)

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