Sunday 19 September 2021

Join Brent Friends of the Earth on a Climate Change 'Flood and Nature Walk' through Wembley on Sunday September 26th


The walk from Wembley Park to Stonebridge Park

The Wealdstone Brook flows through the recent developments in Wembley Park

The River Brent at Monks Park/St Raphaels

FLOOD ZONE 1 = low probabality of flood, FLOOD ZONE 2  =  medium probability between a 1 in 100 and 1 in 1000 annual probability of flooding,  FLOOD ZONE 3 high probability having a 1 in 100 or greater annual probability of flood.

NB above are river flooding, in addition there may be surface water flooding.

Brent FoE will be leading a walk following (as far as possible) the course of the Wealdstone Brook and part of the River Brent from Wembley Park Station (meeting at 2pm) to St Raphael’s green space. on Sunday September 26th We will meet at 2pm on Olympic Square at the foot of the Wembley Park station steps.

The possibility of flooding due to extreme weather, both in terms of river flooding and the drainage system not being able to cope with torrential downpours, has become more obvious in the last few years as extreme weather events have increased, with some area of Brent hit by flooding recently.

We will look at natural life along the waterways, (you may be surprised) and consider how the built environment interacts with nature, and the possible dangers posed as climate change threatens to bring more flooding over the next few years. We will pause (at about 3pm) on the bank of the River Brent, near the Monks Park/St Raphaels open space, to launch paper boats with messages about climate change, and what we all need to do about it. Come along and make your own boat to launch! The boats will be caught in nets after their voyage so as not to pollute the river with litter,

Also bear in mind:

  • Children are welcome andd should be accompanied by an adult who will be responsible for them.
  • Wellies optional
  • Assemble at Wembley Park at 2pm. Boats will be placed in the river/or on the nearby grassy area on the St Rapahels bank at 3pm
  • We will have fishing nets to ‘capture’ any boats floated down the river.
  • Participants can choose to break the walk at Stonebridge Park (station and buses)  or do the return walk at their leisure or with the guide.
  • Participants should bring water, snack and any medication they may require.

 There are firm paths throughout the route except for a few metres on the river bank for the boat launch.

If you intend to come  to the start of the walk please let us know by emailing with name etc. We will email back a mobile phone contact for the day.

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