Wednesday 21 July 2021

Brent night time economy businesses encouraged to sign up for Women's Night Safety training

 From Brent Council

Brent Council in partnership with Night Time Economy Solutions is spearheading a new scheme to train staff working in night-time economy businesses, such as, pubs, restaurants and bars, on how to recognise vulnerable women and customers at their venues by offering free Vulnerability Training.

The council signed up to the Women's Night Safety Charter, which is part of the London Mayor's Tackling Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy, and pledged to keep women safe at night-time venues.

Women and girls have a right to feel safe and to enjoy night-time activities without fear of attack, harassment or unwanted attention.

Our aim is to encourage Night Time Economy businesses to sign up for our free vulnerability training to support staff in developing clear policies and procedures around victims reporting incidences of assault or harassment, creating a safe environment for women on their premises, identifying and supporting vulnerable customers and staff and to recognise, respond and report these crimes.

After attending the 3-hour training session, each business will receive a resource pack that will include training materials, best practice tools and a window sticker to show customers that they are in a safe environment for women at night.

Cllr Promise Knight, Lead Member for Community Safety and Engagement said: 


Following the spate of horrific, high profile attacks against women in the past year, we are committed to working with our night time economy businesses to help them recognise the huge role and responsibility they have in keeping women safe in their venues and recognising vulnerable women and staff who may feel threatened and need help.

With the end of lockdown restrictions and nightlife returning to normal, clubs, bars and late night venues will start to resume full time activities, with the potential increase of assaults against women and young girls.

The Council will continue to support businesses to ensure they continue to be vigilant and keep the safety of women and customers a priority.

For more information and to sign up for a place, please contact

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