Thursday 22 July 2021

Cricklewood Broadway & Wembley Hill Road planning applications approved along with Adult Gaming Centre in High Road, Willesden

Both applications were approved at yesterday's Brent Planning Committee. Only Cllr Fleur Donelly-Jackson voted against the Cricklewood Broadway/Hassop Road application on grounds that it did not mean the LA's own policy guidance. The Wembley Hill Road St George Hotel/Allied Irish Bank application was approved unanimously. There were no resident speakers against the Cricklewood Broadway application and councillors were told that Barnet Council and Cricklewood Terrace Residents' Assoication had made no submission.


There was a speaker on behalf of Mostyn Avenue residents on the Wembley Hill Road application who said there was no established demand for yet more hotel space, was concerned about disruption during building works and parking issues. She corrected the developer's agent claim that the Allied Irish Bank building had been empty for years. It has been occupied by a church that has done good work during the pandemic.


A further application, not covered previously on this blog, was for an Adult Gaming Centre on High Road Willesden. Planning officers had advocated restricted hours rather than the 24/7 opening requested by the applicant, who could see no justification for the restriction.

The Planning Committee approved the application with 8am-10pm opening Sunday to Thursday and 8am to Midnight Friday and Saturday.

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